Helen Timms
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

weeknotes s02 ep05

What I’ve done

This week has been a frustrating one as I’ve not been able to commit as much time on the fostering project as I needed to :/

My manager has been very understanding and supportive which has been great :)

I did manage to speak to another couple of foster carers and have been able to do my thematic analysis on those adding them to our shared Miro board.

Process maps are almost completed after another run through on the mainstream foster carer user journey ready for sign off and then will need a final meeting to capture time taken for each individual task (not just the statutory timescales) so that we can pinpoint where time wastage and delays are.

This level of detail means I can also identify all the spreadsheets used outside of Mosaic and why.

We did actually have a stand-up this week which was useful as the project manager was on leave last week, I did miss her!

Interesting chat with my new manager on my version of the digital and change user journey, this too almost complete now and should help any new staff to the team to understand what happens when and why. It was useful to hear his perspective and understand his frustrations with the ‘as is’ process.

Our Change approach user journey team meeting went much better than expected with everyone contributing ideas, possible outcomes identified and more importantly we have a plan of action!

What I’ve learned

Collaborating in a big group virtually really can work.

Not to use an ‘in-joke’ with colleague.

What I’m reading

(still reading) The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

and dipping into;

Digital Transformation at Scale: Why the Strategy Is Delivery (Perspectives)

Duolingo on day 423 of streak.

Approximately 15mins per day.

What I’m not doing

Gravel bike ride in the New Forest cancelled tomorrow due to Storm Eunice which is a shame. 70/80mph winds almost blew our top fence away! Plus stuff in the garden needs rearranging…

Bad back has got worse, so went for a sports massage; didn’t get a full diagnosis (probably a bad sprain) but it was amazing and a relaxing end to ‘one of those’ weeks.

Now it’s almost wine time, that should help!

H :)

Helen Timms

Passionate about designing great services for Dorset Council, cycling, running, paddle boarding, interested in people, tech and kindness. Views/opinions my own.